Czech publisher LINDE PRAHA, a. s. has released a new volume titled “Templates of commercial contracts and filings for businesses” (VZORY OBCHODNÍCH SMLUV A PODÁNÍ PRO PODNIKATELSKOU PRAXI)  whose author is Daniel Hájek. 

This publication, which features a collection of contract templates for practical use by businesses, comes in response to the new Civil Code, which took effect on 1 January, 2014.  The contract templates in this volume should help small and medium-sized enterprises to simplify their transactions in daily business life, and will guide them through the world of contract law. 

LINDE PRAHA, a. s. has been active in the field of law and economics literature since 1991 and has released more than 850 publications covering topics such as Czech law, EU law and the annotated case law of Czech and European courts as well as other specialist areas.

More information about this publication is available at:

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